Missing address details?
Address search by SMS
How to perform an address search
Get address details using a name
Address details using a phone number
Text PHONE NUMBER (e.g. 0401234567) to 020202.
You will receive the address information in a return message.
Hot tip! If the SMS search doesn’t work, try sending your message using Finland’s country code (+358), i.e. use the number +35820202.
Service rates
The SMS search costs €4.90. If your town or city-specific search returns several results, you will receive all the information at the price of one search. Please note that we will still charge you for the search even if the information you seek cannot be found or is unavailable due to reasons beyond 02’s control.
If the name of a person you searched for returns results from other parts of Finland, you can expand your search to cover the whole of Finland for €2.90.
If the address is not found using an SMS search, you can call 020202. The customer service agents of the telephone service use the address service of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, which means information such as date of birth and old home address can be used to perform searches. Call charges: Weekdays 08:00–18:00 €2.92/call + €0.92/10s Other times: €3.50/call + €1.13/10s