Your traditional SMS search!

16400 Tekstiviestipalvelu

16400 is a comprehensive service that allows you to search for contact details as well as vehicle information!

How to use 16400 Tekstiviestipalvelu

Name and number search for individuals

Registration number search
Text REGISTRATION NUMBER (e.g. ABC-123) to 16400.

Motorcycle details
Text MP REGISTRATION NUMBER (e.g. MP AB-123) to 16400.

You will receive the search results in a return text message.

16400 Tekstiviestipalvelusta selvität yhteystiedot ja ajoneuvon tiedot

Registration number details

You can perform a vehicle search in the following vehicle categories

  • car
  • motorcycle
  • trailer
  • moped
  • tractor
  • motorised work machine
  • off-road vehicle
  • snowmobile
  • transfer badge
  • export registration

Search for the vehicle owner’s or holder’s phone number

You can easily search for the vehicle owner’s or holder’s phone number by following the instructions provided in the return message of the registration number search.

The source for the contact information is 020202 Palvelut.

Get complete vehicle information

You can easily get complete vehicle information by following the instructions given in the return message. The complete information includes the technical information and history of the vehicle.

The source for the registration information is The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom, Transport Register.

Service rates

Contact information searches

The SMS search costs €5.70. If your town or city-specific search returns several results, you will receive all the information at the price of one search. Please note that we will still charge you for the search even if the information you seek cannot be found or is unavailable due to reasons beyond our control.

If the name of a person or a company you searched for returns results from other parts of Finland, you can expand your search to cover the whole of Finland for €2.90.

Registration number searches

The registration number search costs €5.70. If the registration number returns no details, you will get your next registration number search free of charge. The free search is valid for 30 days.

Additional services:

  • A phone number search using the owner’s or holder’s name costs €2.50.
  • Searching for the complete vehicle details (technical information and history) costs €2.50.
  • A vehicle price estimate search costs €3.50.

The information of the 02 registration number search is meant to be used in situations where details about a vehicle are needed. These include situations where you might be looking into buying or selling a car as well as situations where you need to get hold of the owner or holder of a vehicle.

The registration number search allows you to check the reliability of information related to a vehicle and its owner.

A contact search conducted as an additional service in connection with a registration number search is run against the in 020202 Palvelut database using the owner’s or holder’s name. Since the search is based on a name, we cannot guarantee that the contact details we find belongs to the owner or holder given in Traficom’s registration information.

Before using the service, please note that any illegal use of the information the service provides or any use of the information that in any way compromises a person’s right to privacy is strictly prohibited.

The information the service provides is meant mainly to be used in connection with vehicle sales in order to ensure the reliability of vehicle details and the owner, for instance by checking that the seller owns the vehicle they are selling. Other approved uses need to be related to traffic safety, vehicles, vehicle traffic or associated environmental damage, or the transport of a vehicle. By using the service, you undertake to comply with the conditions mentioned above.

A consumer can limit the disclosure of their Transport Register data provided by the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom if they so wish. For more information on the non-disclosure of data, click here.